pub mod html; mod attr; mod block; mod inline; mod lex; mod span; mod tree; use span::DiscontinuousString; use span::Span; pub use attr::Attributes; type CowStr<'s> = std::borrow::Cow<'s, str>; const EOF: char = '\0'; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Event<'s> { /// Start of a container. Start(Container<'s>, Attributes<'s>), /// End of a container. End(Container<'s>), /// A string object, text only. Str(CowStr<'s>), /// An atomic element. Atom(Atom<'s>), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Container<'s> { /// A blockquote element. Blockquote, /// A list. List { kind: ListKind, tight: bool }, /// An item of a list ListItem, /// An item of a task list, either checked or unchecked. TaskListItem { checked: bool }, /// A description list element. DescriptionList, /// Details describing a term within a description list. DescriptionDetails, /// A footnote definition. Footnote { tag: &'s str, number: usize }, /// A table element. Table, /// A row element of a table. TableRow { head: bool }, /// A section belonging to a top level heading. Section, /// A block-level divider element. Div { class: Option<&'s str> }, /// A paragraph. Paragraph, /// A heading. Heading { level: usize }, /// A cell element of row within a table. TableCell { alignment: Alignment, head: bool }, /// A caption within a table. Caption, /// A term within a description list. DescriptionTerm, /// A block with raw markup for a specific output format. RawBlock { format: &'s str }, /// A block with code in a specific language. CodeBlock { lang: Option<&'s str> }, /// An inline divider element. Span, /// An inline link with a destination URL. Link(CowStr<'s>, LinkType), /// An inline image with a source URL. Inner Str objects compose the alternative text. Image(CowStr<'s>, SpanLinkType), /// An inline verbatim string. Verbatim, /// An inline or display math element. Math { display: bool }, /// Inline raw markup for a specific output format. RawInline { format: &'s str }, /// A subscripted element. Subscript, /// A superscripted element. Superscript, /// An inserted inline element. Insert, /// A deleted inline element. Delete, /// An inline element emphasized with a bold typeface. Strong, /// An emphasized inline element. Emphasis, /// A highlighted inline element. Mark, } impl<'s> Container<'s> { /// Is a block element. fn is_block(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Blockquote | Self::List { .. } | Self::ListItem | Self::TaskListItem { .. } | Self::DescriptionList | Self::DescriptionDetails | Self::Footnote { .. } | Self::Table | Self::TableRow { .. } | Self::Section | Self::Div { .. } | Self::Paragraph | Self::Heading { .. } | Self::TableCell { .. } | Self::Caption | Self::DescriptionTerm | Self::RawBlock { .. } | Self::CodeBlock { .. } => true, Self::Span | Self::Link(..) | Self::Image(..) | Self::Verbatim | Self::Math { .. } | Self::RawInline { .. } | Self::Subscript | Self::Superscript | Self::Insert | Self::Delete | Self::Strong | Self::Emphasis | Self::Mark => false, } } /// Is a block element that may contain children blocks. fn is_block_container(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::Blockquote | Self::List { .. } | Self::ListItem | Self::TaskListItem { .. } | Self::DescriptionList | Self::DescriptionDetails | Self::Footnote { .. } | Self::Table | Self::TableRow { .. } | Self::Section | Self::Div { .. } => true, Self::Paragraph | Self::Heading { .. } | Self::TableCell { .. } | Self::Caption | Self::DescriptionTerm | Self::RawBlock { .. } | Self::CodeBlock { .. } | Self::Span | Self::Link(..) | Self::Image(..) | Self::Verbatim | Self::Math { .. } | Self::RawInline { .. } | Self::Subscript | Self::Superscript | Self::Insert | Self::Delete | Self::Strong | Self::Emphasis | Self::Mark => false, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Alignment { Unspecified, Left, Center, Right, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SpanLinkType { Inline, Reference, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum LinkType { Span(SpanLinkType), AutoLink, Email, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ListKind { Unordered, Ordered { numbering: OrderedListNumbering, style: OrderedListStyle, start: u32, }, Task, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum OrderedListNumbering { /// Decimal numbering, e.g. `1)`. Decimal, /// Lowercase alphabetic numbering, e.g. `a)`. AlphaLower, /// Uppercase alphabetic numbering, e.g. `A)`. AlphaUpper, /// Lowercase roman or alphabetic numbering, e.g. `iv)`. RomanLower, /// Uppercase roman or alphabetic numbering, e.g. `IV)`. RomanUpper, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum OrderedListStyle { /// Number is followed by a period, e.g. `1.`. Period, /// Number is followed by a closing parenthesis, e.g. `1)`. Paren, /// Number is enclosed by parentheses, e.g. `(1)`. ParenParen, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Atom<'s> { /// A footnote reference. FootnoteReference(&'s str, usize), /// Left single quotation mark. LeftSingleQuote, /// Right double quotation mark. RightSingleQuote, /// Left single quotation mark. LeftDoubleQuote, /// Right double quotation mark. RightDoubleQuote, /// A horizontal ellipsis, i.e. a set of three periods. Ellipsis, /// An en dash. EnDash, /// An em dash. EmDash, /// A thematic break, typically a horizontal rule. ThematicBreak, /// A space that must not break a line. NonBreakingSpace, /// A newline that may or may not break a line in the output. Softbreak, /// A newline that must break a line in the output. Hardbreak, /// An escape character, not visible in output. Escape, /// A blank line, not visible in output. Blankline, } impl OrderedListNumbering { fn parse_number(self, n: &str) -> u32 { match self { Self::Decimal => n.parse().unwrap(), Self::AlphaLower | Self::AlphaUpper => { let d0 = u32::from(if matches!(self, Self::AlphaLower) { b'a' } else { b'A' }); let weights = (1..=n.len()).scan(1, |a, _| { let prev = *a; *a *= 26; Some(prev) }); n.as_bytes() .iter() .rev() .copied() .map(u32::from) .zip(weights) .map(|(d, w)| w * (d - d0 + 1)) .sum() } Self::RomanLower | Self::RomanUpper => { fn value(d: char) -> u32 { match d { 'i' | 'I' => 1, 'v' | 'V' => 5, 'x' | 'X' => 10, 'l' | 'L' => 50, 'c' | 'C' => 100, 'd' | 'D' => 500, 'm' | 'M' => 1000, _ => panic!(), } } let mut prev = 0; let mut sum = 0; for d in n.chars().rev() { let v = value(d); if v < prev { sum -= v; } else { sum += v; } prev = v; } sum } } } } impl OrderedListStyle { fn number(self, marker: &str) -> &str { &marker[usize::from(matches!(self, Self::ParenParen))..marker.len() - 1] } } pub struct Parser<'s> { src: &'s str, /// Link definitions encountered during block parse, written once. link_definitions: std::collections::HashMap<&'s str, (CowStr<'s>, attr::Attributes<'s>)>, /// Block tree cursor. tree: block::Tree, /// Spans to the inlines in the block currently being parsed. inlines: span::InlineSpans<'s>, /// Inline parser, recreated for each new inline. inline_parser: Option>>, table_head_row: bool, /// Footnote references in the order they were encountered, without duplicates. footnote_references: Vec<&'s str>, /// Cache of footnotes to emit at the end. footnotes: std::collections::HashMap<&'s str, block::Tree>, /// Next or current footnote being parsed and emitted. footnote_index: usize, /// Currently within a footnote. footnote_active: bool, } impl<'s> Parser<'s> { #[must_use] pub fn new(src: &'s str) -> Self { let tree = block::parse(src); let link_definitions = { let mut branch = tree.clone(); let mut defs = std::collections::HashMap::new(); let mut attr_prev: Option = None; while let Some(e) = { if let tree::EventKind::Enter(block::Node::Leaf(block::Leaf::LinkDefinition)) = e.kind { let tag = e.span.of(src); let attrs = attr_prev.map_or_else(Attributes::new, |sp| attr::parse(sp.of(src))); let url = match branch.count_children() { 0 => "".into(), 1 => branch.take_inlines().next().unwrap().of(src).trim().into(), _ => branch.take_inlines().map(|sp| sp.of(src).trim()).collect(), }; defs.insert(tag, (url, attrs)); } else if let tree::EventKind::Atom(block::Atom::Attributes) = e.kind { attr_prev = Some(e.span); } else { attr_prev = None; } } defs }; let branch = tree.clone(); Self { src, link_definitions, tree: branch, table_head_row: false, footnote_references: Vec::new(), footnotes: std::collections::HashMap::new(), footnote_index: 0, footnote_active: false, inlines: span::InlineSpans::new(src), inline_parser: None, } } } impl<'s> Parser<'s> { fn inline(&mut self) -> Option> { self.inline_parser.as_mut().and_then(|parser| { let mut inline =; let mut first_is_attr = false; let mut attributes = inline.as_ref().map_or_else(Attributes::new, |inl| { if let inline::EventKind::Attributes = inl.kind { first_is_attr = true; attr::parse(self.inlines.slice(inl.span)) } else { Attributes::new() } }); if first_is_attr { inline =; }|inline| match inline.kind { inline::EventKind::Enter(c) | inline::EventKind::Exit(c) => { let t = match c { inline::Container::Span => Container::Span, inline::Container::Verbatim => Container::Verbatim, inline::Container::InlineMath => Container::Math { display: false }, inline::Container::DisplayMath => Container::Math { display: true }, inline::Container::RawFormat => Container::RawInline { format: match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Owned(_) => panic!(), CowStr::Borrowed(s) => s, }, }, inline::Container::Subscript => Container::Subscript, inline::Container::Superscript => Container::Superscript, inline::Container::Insert => Container::Insert, inline::Container::Delete => Container::Delete, inline::Container::Emphasis => Container::Emphasis, inline::Container::Strong => Container::Strong, inline::Container::Mark => Container::Mark, inline::Container::InlineLink => Container::Link( match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Owned(s) => s.replace('\n', "").into(), s @ CowStr::Borrowed(_) => s, }, LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Inline), ), inline::Container::InlineImage => Container::Image( match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Owned(s) => s.replace('\n', "").into(), s @ CowStr::Borrowed(_) => s, }, SpanLinkType::Inline, ), inline::Container::ReferenceLink | inline::Container::ReferenceImage => { let tag = match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Owned(s) => s.replace('\n', " ").into(), s @ CowStr::Borrowed(_) => s, }; let (url, attrs_def) = self .link_definitions .get(tag.as_ref()) .cloned() .unwrap_or_else(|| ("".into(), Attributes::new())); attributes.union(attrs_def); if matches!(c, inline::Container::ReferenceLink) { Container::Link(url, LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference)) } else { Container::Image(url, SpanLinkType::Reference) } } inline::Container::Autolink => { let url = self.inlines.src(inline.span); let url = if url.contains('@') { format!("mailto:{}", url).into() } else { url }; Container::Link(url, LinkType::AutoLink) } }; if matches!(inline.kind, inline::EventKind::Enter(_)) { Event::Start(t, attributes) } else { Event::End(t) } } inline::EventKind::Atom(a) => Event::Atom(match a { inline::Atom::FootnoteReference => { let tag = match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Borrowed(s) => s, CowStr::Owned(..) => panic!(), }; let number = self .footnote_references .iter() .position(|t| *t == tag) .map_or_else( || { self.footnote_references.push(tag); self.footnote_references.len() }, |i| i + 1, ); Atom::FootnoteReference( match self.inlines.src(inline.span) { CowStr::Borrowed(s) => s, CowStr::Owned(..) => panic!(), }, number, ) } inline::Atom::Quote { ty, left } => match (ty, left) { (inline::QuoteType::Single, true) => Atom::LeftSingleQuote, (inline::QuoteType::Single, false) => Atom::RightSingleQuote, (inline::QuoteType::Double, true) => Atom::LeftDoubleQuote, (inline::QuoteType::Double, false) => Atom::RightDoubleQuote, }, inline::Atom::Ellipsis => Atom::Ellipsis, inline::Atom::EnDash => Atom::EnDash, inline::Atom::EmDash => Atom::EmDash, inline::Atom::Nbsp => Atom::NonBreakingSpace, inline::Atom::Softbreak => Atom::Softbreak, inline::Atom::Hardbreak => Atom::Hardbreak, inline::Atom::Escape => Atom::Escape, }), inline::EventKind::Str => Event::Str(self.inlines.src(inline.span)), inline::EventKind::Whitespace | inline::EventKind::Attributes | inline::EventKind::Placeholder => { panic!("{:?}", inline) } }) }) } fn block(&mut self) -> Option> { let mut attributes = Attributes::new(); while let Some(ev) = &mut { let content = ev.span.of(self.src); let event = match ev.kind { tree::EventKind::Atom(a) => match a { block::Atom::Blankline => Event::Atom(Atom::Blankline), block::Atom::ThematicBreak => Event::Atom(Atom::ThematicBreak), block::Atom::Attributes => { attributes.parse(content); continue; } }, tree::EventKind::Enter(c) | tree::EventKind::Exit(c) => { let enter = matches!(ev.kind, tree::EventKind::Enter(..)); let cont = match c { block::Node::Leaf(l) => { if matches!(l, block::Leaf::LinkDefinition) { // ignore link definitions if enter { self.tree.take_inlines().last(); } attributes = Attributes::new(); continue; } if enter { self.inlines.set_spans(self.tree.take_inlines()); self.inline_parser = Some(inline::Parser::new(self.inlines.chars())); } match l { block::Leaf::Paragraph => Container::Paragraph, block::Leaf::Heading => Container::Heading { level: content.len(), }, block::Leaf::CodeBlock => { if let Some(format) = content.strip_prefix('=') { Container::RawBlock { format } } else { Container::CodeBlock { lang: (!content.is_empty()).then(|| content), } } } block::Leaf::TableCell(alignment) => Container::TableCell { alignment, head: self.table_head_row, }, block::Leaf::Caption => Container::Caption, block::Leaf::LinkDefinition => unreachable!(), } } block::Node::Container(c) => match c { block::Container::Blockquote => Container::Blockquote, block::Container::Div { .. } => Container::Div { class: (!ev.span.is_empty()).then(|| content), }, block::Container::Footnote => { assert!(enter); self.footnotes.insert(content, self.tree.take_branch()); attributes = Attributes::new(); continue; } block::Container::List { ty, tight } => { if matches!(ty, block::ListType::Description) { Container::DescriptionList } else { let kind = match ty { block::ListType::Unordered(..) => ListKind::Unordered, block::ListType::Task => ListKind::Task, block::ListType::Ordered(numbering, style) => { let start = numbering .parse_number(style.number(content)) .max(1); ListKind::Ordered { numbering, style, start, } } block::ListType::Description => unreachable!(), }; Container::List { kind, tight } } } block::Container::ListItem(ty) => { if matches!(ty, block::ListType::Task) { let marker = ev.span.of(self.src); Container::TaskListItem { checked: marker.as_bytes()[3] != b' ', } } else { Container::ListItem } } block::Container::Table => Container::Table, block::Container::TableRow { head } => { if enter { self.table_head_row = head; } Container::TableRow { head } } block::Container::Section => Container::Section, }, }; if enter { Event::Start(cont, attributes) } else { Event::End(cont) } } tree::EventKind::Inline => unreachable!(), }; return Some(event); } None } fn footnote(&mut self) -> Option> { if self.footnote_active { let tag = self.footnote_references.get(self.footnote_index).unwrap(); self.footnote_index += 1; self.footnote_active = false; Some(Event::End(Container::Footnote { tag, number: self.footnote_index, })) } else if let Some(tag) = self.footnote_references.get(self.footnote_index) { self.tree = self .footnotes .remove(tag) .unwrap_or_else(block::Tree::empty); self.footnote_active = true; Some(Event::Start( Container::Footnote { tag, number: self.footnote_index + 1, }, Attributes::new(), )) } else { None } } } impl<'s> Iterator for Parser<'s> { type Item = Event<'s>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { self.inline() .or_else(|| self.block()) .or_else(|| self.footnote()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Atom::*; use super::Attributes; use super::Container::*; use super::Event::*; use super::LinkType; use super::ListKind; use super::OrderedListNumbering::*; use super::OrderedListStyle::*; use super::SpanLinkType; macro_rules! test_parse { ($src:expr $(,$($token:expr),* $(,)?)?) => { #[allow(unused)] let actual = super::Parser::new($src).collect::>(); let expected = &[$($($token),*,)?]; assert_eq!( actual, expected, concat!( "\n", "\x1b[0;1m====================== INPUT =========================\x1b[0m\n", "\x1b[2m{}", "\x1b[0;1m================ ACTUAL vs EXPECTED ==================\x1b[0m\n", "{}", "\x1b[0;1m======================================================\x1b[0m\n", ), $src, { let a = actual.iter().map(|n| format!("{:?}", n)).collect::>(); let b = expected.iter().map(|n| format!("{:?}", n)).collect::>(); let max = a.len().max(b.len()); let a_width = a.iter().map(|a| a.len()).max().unwrap_or(0); a.iter() .map(AsRef::as_ref) .chain(std::iter::repeat("")) .zip(b.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).chain(std::iter::repeat(""))) .take(max) .map(|(a, b)| format!( "\x1b[{}m{:a_width$}\x1b[0m {}= \x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m\n", if a == b { "2" } else { "31" }, a, if a == b { '=' } else { '!' }, if a == b { "2" } else { "32" }, b, a_width = a_width, ) ) .collect::() }, ); }; } #[test] fn empty() { test_parse!(""); } #[test] fn heading() { test_parse!( "#\n", Start(Section, Attributes::new()), Start(Heading { level: 1 }, Attributes::new()), End(Heading { level: 1 }), End(Section), ); test_parse!( "# abc\ndef\n", Start(Section, Attributes::new()), Start(Heading { level: 1 }, Attributes::new()), Str("abc".into()), Atom(Softbreak), Str("def".into()), End(Heading { level: 1 }), End(Section), ); } #[test] fn blockquote() { test_parse!( ">\n", Start(Blockquote, Attributes::new()), Atom(Blankline), End(Blockquote), ); } #[test] fn para() { test_parse!( "para", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("para".into()), End(Paragraph), ); test_parse!( "pa ra", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("pa ra".into()), End(Paragraph), ); test_parse!( "para0\n\npara1", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("para0".into()), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("para1".into()), End(Paragraph), ); } #[test] fn verbatim() { test_parse!( "`abc\ndef", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start(Verbatim, Attributes::new()), Str("abc\ndef".into()), End(Verbatim), End(Paragraph), ); test_parse!( concat!( "> `abc\n", "> def\n", // ), Start(Blockquote, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start(Verbatim, Attributes::new()), Str("abc\ndef".into()), End(Verbatim), End(Paragraph), End(Blockquote), ); } #[test] fn raw_inline() { test_parse!( "``raw\nraw``{=format}", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start(RawInline { format: "format" }, Attributes::new()), Str("raw\nraw".into()), End(RawInline { format: "format" }), End(Paragraph), ); } #[test] fn raw_block() { test_parse!( "``` =html\n\n```", Start(RawBlock { format: "html" }, Attributes::new()), Str("
".into()), Atom(Softbreak), End(RawBlock { format: "html" }), ); } #[test] fn link_inline() { test_parse!( "[text](url)", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Inline)), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Inline))), End(Paragraph), ); test_parse!( concat!( "> [text](url\n", "> url)\n", // ), Start(Blockquote, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("urlurl".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Inline)), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("urlurl".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Inline))), End(Paragraph), End(Blockquote), ); } #[test] fn link_reference() { test_parse!( concat!( "[text][tag]\n", "\n", "[tag]: url\n" // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference)), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference))), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), ); test_parse!( concat!( "![text][tag]\n", "\n", "[tag]: url\n" // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Image("url".into(), SpanLinkType::Reference), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Image("url".into(), SpanLinkType::Reference)), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), ); } #[test] fn link_reference_multiline() { test_parse!( concat!( "[text][tag]\n", "\n", "[tag]: u\n", " rl\n", // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference)), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference))), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), ); test_parse!( concat!( "[text][tag]\n", "\n", "[tag]:\n", " url\n", // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference)), Attributes::new() ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference))), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), ); } #[test] fn link_reference_attrs() { test_parse!( concat!( "[text][tag]{b=c}\n", "\n", "{a=b}\n", "[tag]: url\n", "para\n", ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Start( Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference)), [("b", "c"), ("a", "b")].into_iter().collect(), ), Str("text".into()), End(Link("url".into(), LinkType::Span(SpanLinkType::Reference))), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("para".into()), End(Paragraph), ); } #[test] fn footnote_references() { test_parse!( "[^a][^b][^c]", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Atom(FootnoteReference("a", 1)), Atom(FootnoteReference("b", 2)), Atom(FootnoteReference("c", 3)), End(Paragraph), Start( Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }, Attributes::new() ), End(Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }), Start( Footnote { tag: "b", number: 2 }, Attributes::new() ), End(Footnote { tag: "b", number: 2 }), Start( Footnote { tag: "c", number: 3 }, Attributes::new() ), End(Footnote { tag: "c", number: 3 }), ); } #[test] fn footnote() { test_parse!( "[^a]\n\n[^a]: a\n", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Atom(FootnoteReference("a", 1)), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start( Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }, Attributes::new() ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("a".into()), End(Paragraph), End(Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }), ); } #[test] fn footnote_multiblock() { test_parse!( concat!( "[^a]\n", "\n", "[^a]: abc\n", "\n", " def", // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Atom(FootnoteReference("a", 1)), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start( Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }, Attributes::new() ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("abc".into()), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("def".into()), End(Paragraph), End(Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }), ); } #[test] fn footnote_post() { test_parse!( concat!( "[^a]\n", "\n", "[^a]: note\n", "para\n", // ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Atom(FootnoteReference("a", 1)), End(Paragraph), Atom(Blankline), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("para".into()), End(Paragraph), Start( Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }, Attributes::new() ), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("note".into()), End(Paragraph), End(Footnote { tag: "a", number: 1 }), ); } #[test] fn attr_block() { test_parse!( "{.some_class}\npara\n", Start(Paragraph, [("class", "some_class")].into_iter().collect()), Str("para".into()), End(Paragraph), ); } #[test] fn attr_inline() { test_parse!( "abc _def_{.ghi}", Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("abc ".into()), Start(Emphasis, [("class", "ghi")].into_iter().collect()), Str("def".into()), End(Emphasis), End(Paragraph), ); } #[test] fn list_item_unordered() { test_parse!( "- abc", Start( List { kind: ListKind::Unordered, tight: true, }, Attributes::new(), ), Start(ListItem, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("abc".into()), End(Paragraph), End(ListItem), End(List { kind: ListKind::Unordered, tight: true, }), ); } #[test] fn list_item_ordered_decimal() { test_parse!( "123. abc", Start( List { kind: ListKind::Ordered { numbering: Decimal, style: Period, start: 123 }, tight: true, }, Attributes::new(), ), Start(ListItem, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("abc".into()), End(Paragraph), End(ListItem), End(List { kind: ListKind::Ordered { numbering: Decimal, style: Period, start: 123 }, tight: true, }), ); } #[test] fn list_task() { test_parse!( concat!( "- [ ] a\n", // "- [x] b\n", // "- [X] c\n", // ), Start( List { kind: ListKind::Task, tight: true, }, Attributes::new(), ), Start(TaskListItem { checked: false }, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("a".into()), End(Paragraph), End(TaskListItem { checked: false }), Start(TaskListItem { checked: true }, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("b".into()), End(Paragraph), End(TaskListItem { checked: true }), Start(TaskListItem { checked: true }, Attributes::new()), Start(Paragraph, Attributes::new()), Str("c".into()), End(Paragraph), End(TaskListItem { checked: true }), End(List { kind: ListKind::Task, tight: true, }), ); } #[test] fn numbering_alpha() { assert_eq!(AlphaLower.parse_number("a"), 1); assert_eq!(AlphaUpper.parse_number("B"), 2); assert_eq!(AlphaUpper.parse_number("Z"), 26); assert_eq!(AlphaLower.parse_number("aa"), 27); } }