use crate::Alignment; use crate::OrderedListNumbering::*; use crate::OrderedListStyle::*; use crate::Span; use crate::attr; use crate::lex; use crate::tree; use Atom::*; use Container::*; use Leaf::*; use ListType::*; pub type Tree = tree::Tree; pub type TreeBuilder = tree::Builder; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Node { Container(Container), Leaf(Leaf), } #[must_use] pub fn parse(src: &str) -> Tree { TreeParser::new(src).parse() } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Block { /// An atomic block, containing no children elements. Atom(Atom), /// A leaf block, containing only inline elements. Leaf(Leaf), /// A container block, containing children blocks. Container(Container), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Atom { /// A line with no non-whitespace characters. Blankline, /// A list of attributes. Attributes, /// A thematic break. ThematicBreak, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Leaf { /// Span is empty, before first character of paragraph. /// Each inline is a line. Paragraph, /// Span is `#` characters. /// Each inline is a line. Heading { has_section: bool }, /// Span is empty. DescriptionTerm, /// Span is '|'. /// Has zero or one inline for the cell contents. TableCell(Alignment), /// Span is '^' character. Caption, /// Span is the link tag. /// Inlines are lines of the URL. LinkDefinition, /// Span is language specifier. /// Each inline is a line. CodeBlock, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Container { /// Span is `>`. Blockquote, /// Span is class specifier, possibly empty. Div, /// Span is the list marker of the first list item in the list. List { ty: ListType, tight: bool }, /// Span is the list marker. ListItem(ListType), /// Span is footnote tag. Footnote, /// Span is empty, before first '|' character. Table, /// Span is first '|' character. TableRow { head: bool }, /// Span is '#' characters of heading. Section, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ListType { Unordered(u8), Ordered(crate::OrderedListNumbering, crate::OrderedListStyle), Task, Description, } #[derive(Debug)] struct OpenList { /// Type of the list, used to determine whether this list should be continued or a new one /// should be created. ty: ListType, /// Depth in the tree where the direct list items of the list are. Needed to determine when to /// close the list. depth: u16, /// Index to node in tree, required to update tightness. node: tree::NodeIndex, } /// Parser for block-level tree structure of entire document. struct TreeParser<'s> { src: &'s str, tree: TreeBuilder, /// The previous block element was a blank line. prev_blankline: bool, /// Stack of currently open lists. open_lists: Vec, /// Stack of currently open sections. open_sections: Vec, /// Alignments for each column in for the current table. alignments: Vec, } impl<'s> TreeParser<'s> { #[must_use] pub fn new(src: &'s str) -> Self { Self { src, tree: TreeBuilder::new(), prev_blankline: false, open_lists: Vec::new(), alignments: Vec::new(), open_sections: Vec::new(), } } #[must_use] pub fn parse(mut self) -> Tree { let mut lines = lines(self.src).collect::>(); let mut line_pos = 0; while line_pos < lines.len() { let line_count = self.parse_block(&mut lines[line_pos..], true); if line_count == 0 { break; } line_pos += line_count; } for _ in self.open_lists.drain(..) { self.tree.exit(); // list } for _ in self.open_sections.drain(..) { self.tree.exit(); // section } self.tree.finish() } /// Recursively parse a block and all of its children. Return number of lines the block uses. fn parse_block(&mut self, lines: &mut [Span], top_level: bool) -> usize { if let Some(MeteredBlock { kind, span, line_count, }) = MeteredBlock::new(lines.iter().map(|sp| sp.of(self.src))) { let lines = &mut lines[..line_count]; let span = span.translate(lines[0].start()); // skip part of first inline that is shared with the block span lines[0] = lines[0].with_start(span.end()); // remove "]:" from footnote / link def if matches!(kind, Kind::Definition { .. }) { assert_eq!(&lines[0].of(self.src)[0..2], "]:"); lines[0] = lines[0].skip("]:".len()); } // skip opening and closing fence of code block / div let lines = if let Kind::Fenced { has_closing_fence, .. } = kind { let l = lines.len() - usize::from(has_closing_fence); &mut lines[1..l] } else { lines }; // close list if a non list item or a list item of new type appeared if let Some(OpenList { ty, depth, .. }) = self.open_lists.last() { assert!(usize::from(*depth) <= self.tree.depth()); if self.tree.depth() == (*depth).into() && !matches!(kind, Kind::ListItem { ty: ty_new, .. } if *ty == ty_new) { self.tree.exit(); // list self.open_lists.pop(); } } // set list to loose if blankline discovered if matches!(kind, Kind::Atom(Atom::Blankline)) { self.prev_blankline = true; } else { if self.prev_blankline { for OpenList { node, depth, .. } in &self.open_lists { if usize::from(*depth) < self.tree.depth() && matches!(kind, Kind::ListItem { .. }) { continue; } if let tree::Element::Container(Node::Container(Container::List { tight, .. })) = self.tree.elem(*node) { *tight = false; } else { panic!(); } } } self.prev_blankline = false; } match kind.block(top_level) { Block::Atom(a) => self.tree.atom(a, span), Block::Leaf(l) => self.parse_leaf(l, &kind, span, lines), Block::Container(Table) => self.parse_table(lines, span), Block::Container(c) => self.parse_container(c, &kind, span, lines), } line_count } else { 0 } } fn parse_leaf(&mut self, leaf: Leaf, k: &Kind, span: Span, lines: &mut [Span]) { if let Kind::Fenced { indent, .. } = k { for line in lines.iter_mut() { let indent_line = line .of(self.src) .chars() .take_while(|c| *c != '\n' && c.is_whitespace()) .count(); *line = line.skip_chars((*indent).min(indent_line), self.src); } } else { // trim starting whitespace of each inline for line in lines.iter_mut() { *line = line.trim_start(self.src); } // trim ending whitespace of block let l = lines.len(); if l > 0 { let last = &mut lines[l - 1]; *last = last.trim_end(self.src); } } if let Kind::Heading { level, .. } = k { // open and close sections if let Leaf::Heading { has_section: true, .. } = leaf { let first_close = self .open_sections .iter() .rposition(|l| l < level) .map_or(0, |i| i + 1); self.open_sections.drain(first_close..).for_each(|_| { self.tree.exit(); // section }); self.open_sections.push(*level); self.tree.enter(Node::Container(Section), span); } // trim '#' characters for line in lines[1..].iter_mut() { *line = line.trim_start_matches(self.src, |c| c == '#' || c.is_whitespace()); } } self.tree.enter(Node::Leaf(leaf), span); lines .iter() .filter(|l| !matches!(k, Kind::Heading { .. }) || !l.is_empty()) .for_each(|line| self.tree.inline(*line)); self.tree.exit(); } fn parse_container(&mut self, c: Container, k: &Kind, span: Span, lines: &mut [Span]) { // update spans, remove indentation / container prefix lines.iter_mut().skip(1).for_each(|sp| { let src = sp.of(self.src); let src_t = src.trim(); let spaces = src.chars().take_while(|c| c.is_whitespace()).count(); let skip = match k { Kind::Blockquote => { if src_t == ">" { spaces + 1 } else if src_t.starts_with('>') && src_t.chars().nth(1).map_or(false, char::is_whitespace) { spaces + 1 + usize::from(src_t.len() > 1) } else { 0 } } Kind::ListItem { indent, .. } | Kind::Definition { indent, .. } | Kind::Fenced { indent, .. } => spaces.min(*indent), _ => panic!("non-container {:?}", k), }; let count = sp.of(self.src).chars().take_while(|c| *c != '\n').count(); *sp = sp.skip_chars(skip.min(count), self.src); }); if let ListItem(ty) = c { if self .open_lists .last() .map_or(true, |OpenList { depth, .. }| { usize::from(*depth) < self.tree.depth() }) { let tight = true; let node = self .tree .enter(Node::Container(Container::List { ty, tight }), span); self.open_lists.push(OpenList { ty, depth: self.tree.depth().try_into().unwrap(), node, }); } } let dt = if let ListItem(Description) = c { let dt = self .tree .enter(Node::Leaf(DescriptionTerm), span.empty_after()); self.tree.exit(); Some(dt) } else { None }; let node = self.tree.enter(Node::Container(c), span); let mut l = 0; while l < lines.len() { l += self.parse_block(&mut lines[l..], false); } if let Some(node_dt) = dt { let node_child = if let Some(node_child) = self.tree.children(node).next() { if let tree::Element::Container(Node::Leaf(l @ Paragraph)) = node_child.elem { *l = DescriptionTerm; Some(node_child.index) } else { None } } else { None }; if let Some(node_child) = node_child { self.tree.swap_prev(node_child); self.tree.remove(node_dt); } } if let Some(OpenList { depth, .. }) = self.open_lists.last() { assert!(usize::from(*depth) <= self.tree.depth()); if self.tree.depth() == (*depth).into() { self.prev_blankline = false; self.tree.exit(); // list self.open_lists.pop(); } } self.tree.exit(); } fn parse_table(&mut self, lines: &mut [Span], span: Span) { self.alignments.clear(); self.tree.enter(Node::Container(Table), span); let caption_line = lines .iter() .position(|sp| sp.of(self.src).trim_start().starts_with('^')) .map_or(lines.len(), |caption_line| { self.tree.enter(Node::Leaf(Caption), span); lines[caption_line] = lines[caption_line] .trim_start(self.src) .skip_chars(2, self.src); lines[lines.len() - 1] = lines[lines.len() - 1].trim_end(self.src); for line in &lines[caption_line..] { self.tree.inline(*line); } self.tree.exit(); caption_line }); let mut last_row_node = None; for row in &lines[..caption_line] { let row = row.trim(self.src); if row.is_empty() { break; } let row_node = self .tree .enter(Node::Container(TableRow { head: false }), row.with_len(1)); let rem = row.skip(1); // | let lex = lex::Lexer::new(rem.of(self.src).chars()); let mut pos = rem.start(); let mut cell_start = pos; let mut separator_row = true; let mut verbatim = None; let mut column_index = 0; for lex::Token { kind, len } in lex { if let Some(l) = verbatim { if matches!(kind, lex::Kind::Seq(lex::Sequence::Backtick)) && len == l { verbatim = None; } } else { match kind { lex::Kind::Sym(lex::Symbol::Pipe) => { { let span = Span::new(cell_start, pos).trim(self.src); let cell = span.of(self.src); let separator_cell = match cell.len() { 0 => false, 1 => cell == "-", 2 => matches!(cell, ":-" | "--" | "-:"), l => { matches!(cell.as_bytes()[0], b'-' | b':') && matches!(cell.as_bytes()[l - 1], b'-' | b':') && cell.chars().skip(1).take(l - 2).all(|c| c == '-') } }; separator_row &= separator_cell; self.tree.enter( Node::Leaf(TableCell( self.alignments .get(column_index) .copied() .unwrap_or(Alignment::Unspecified), )), Span::by_len(cell_start - 1, 1), ); self.tree.inline(span); self.tree.exit(); // cell cell_start = pos + len; column_index += 1; } } lex::Kind::Seq(lex::Sequence::Backtick) => { verbatim = Some(len); } _ => {} } } pos += len; } if separator_row && verbatim.is_none() { self.alignments.clear(); self.alignments.extend( self.tree .children(row_node) .filter(|n| matches!(n.elem, tree::Element::Inline)) .map(|n| { let cell = n.span.of(self.src); let l = cell.as_bytes()[0] == b':'; let r = cell.as_bytes()[cell.len() - 1] == b':'; match (l, r) { (false, false) => Alignment::Unspecified, (false, true) => Alignment::Right, (true, false) => Alignment::Left, (true, true) => Alignment::Center, } }), ); self.tree.exit_discard(); // table row if let Some(head_row) = last_row_node { self.tree .children(head_row) .filter(|n| { matches!(n.elem, tree::Element::Container(Node::Leaf(TableCell(..)))) }) .zip( self.alignments .iter() .copied() .chain(std::iter::repeat(Alignment::Unspecified)), ) .for_each(|(n, new_align)| { if let tree::Element::Container(Node::Leaf(TableCell(alignment))) = n.elem { *alignment = new_align; } }); if let tree::Element::Container(Node::Container(TableRow { head })) = self.tree.elem(head_row) { *head = true; } else { panic!() } } } else { self.tree.exit(); // table row last_row_node = Some(row_node); } } self.tree.exit(); // table } } /// Parser for a single block. struct MeteredBlock { kind: Kind, span: Span, line_count: usize, } impl MeteredBlock { /// Identify and measure the line length of a single block. fn new<'s, I: Iterator>(mut lines: I) -> Option {|l| { let IdentifiedBlock { mut kind, span } = IdentifiedBlock::new(l); let line_count = 1 + lines.take_while(|l| kind.continues(l)).count(); Self { kind, span, line_count, } }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum FenceKind { Div, CodeBlock(u8), } #[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq))] #[derive(Debug)] enum Kind { Atom(Atom), Paragraph, Heading { level: usize, }, Fenced { indent: usize, fence_length: usize, kind: FenceKind, has_spec: bool, has_closing_fence: bool, }, Definition { indent: usize, footnote: bool, }, Blockquote, ListItem { indent: usize, ty: ListType, last_blankline: bool, }, Table { caption: bool, }, } struct IdentifiedBlock { kind: Kind, span: Span, } impl IdentifiedBlock { fn new(line: &str) -> Self { let mut chars = line.chars(); let indent = chars .clone() .take_while(|c| *c != '\n' && c.is_whitespace()) .count(); (&mut chars).take(indent).last(); let indent_bytes = line.len() - chars.as_str().len(); let line = chars.as_str(); let line_t = line.trim_end(); let l = line.len(); let lt = line_t.len(); let first = if let Some(c) = { c } else { return Self { kind: Kind::Atom(Blankline), span: Span::empty_at(indent_bytes), }; }; match first { '\n' => Some((Kind::Atom(Blankline), Span::by_len(indent_bytes, 1))), '#' => chars .find(|c| *c != '#') .map_or(true, char::is_whitespace) .then(|| { let level = line.chars().take_while(|c| *c == '#').count(); (Kind::Heading { level }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, level)) }), '>' => { if, char::is_whitespace) { Some((Kind::Blockquote, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, 1))) } else { None } } '{' => (attr::valid(line.chars()).0 == lt) .then(|| (Kind::Atom(Attributes), Span::by_len(indent_bytes, l))), '|' => { if lt >= 2 && line_t.ends_with('|') && !line_t.ends_with("\\|") { Some((Kind::Table { caption: false }, Span::empty_at(indent_bytes))) } else { None } } '[' => chars.as_str().find("]:").map(|l| { let tag = &chars.as_str()[0..l]; let footnote = tag.starts_with('^'); ( Kind::Definition { indent, footnote }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes + 1, l).skip(usize::from(footnote)), ) }), '-' | '*' if Self::is_thematic_break(chars.clone()) => { Some((Kind::Atom(ThematicBreak), Span::by_len(indent_bytes, lt))) } b @ ('-' | '*' | '+') =>, |c| c == ' ').then(|| { let task_list = == Some('[') && matches!(, Some('x' | 'X' | ' ')) && == Some(']') &&, char::is_whitespace); if task_list { ( Kind::ListItem { indent, ty: Task, last_blankline: false, }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, 5), ) } else { ( Kind::ListItem { indent, ty: Unordered(b as u8), last_blankline: false, }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, 1), ) } }), ':' if chars.clone().next().map_or(true, char::is_whitespace) => Some(( Kind::ListItem { indent, ty: Description, last_blankline: false, }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, 1), )), f @ ('`' | ':' | '~') => { let fence_length = 1 + (&mut chars).take_while(|c| *c == f).count(); let spec = &line_t[fence_length..].trim_start(); let valid_spec = if f == ':' && !spec.starts_with('=') { spec.chars().next().map_or(true, attr::is_name_start) && spec.chars().skip(1).all(attr::is_name) } else { !spec.chars().any(char::is_whitespace) && !spec.chars().any(|c| c == '`') }; let skip = line_t.len() - spec.len(); (valid_spec && fence_length >= 3).then(|| { ( Kind::Fenced { indent, fence_length, kind: match f { ':' => FenceKind::Div, _ => FenceKind::CodeBlock(f as u8), }, has_spec: !spec.is_empty(), has_closing_fence: false, }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes + skip, spec.len()), ) }) } c => Self::maybe_ordered_list_item(c, chars).map(|(num, style, len)| { ( Kind::ListItem { indent, ty: Ordered(num, style), last_blankline: false, }, Span::by_len(indent_bytes, len), ) }), } .map(|(kind, span)| Self { kind, span }) .unwrap_or(Self { kind: Kind::Paragraph, span: Span::empty_at(indent_bytes), }) } fn is_thematic_break(chars: std::str::Chars) -> bool { let mut n = 1; for c in chars { if matches!(c, '-' | '*') { n += 1; } else if !c.is_whitespace() { return false; } } n >= 3 } fn maybe_ordered_list_item( mut first: char, mut chars: std::str::Chars, ) -> Option<(crate::OrderedListNumbering, crate::OrderedListStyle, usize)> { fn is_roman_lower_digit(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, 'i' | 'v' | 'x' | 'l' | 'c' | 'd' | 'm') } fn is_roman_upper_digit(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, 'I' | 'V' | 'X' | 'L' | 'C' | 'D' | 'M') } let start_paren = first == '('; if start_paren { first =; } let numbering = if first.is_ascii_digit() { Decimal } else if first.is_ascii_lowercase() { AlphaLower } else if first.is_ascii_uppercase() { AlphaUpper } else if is_roman_lower_digit(first) { RomanLower } else if is_roman_upper_digit(first) { RomanUpper } else { return None; }; let max_len = match numbering { Decimal => 19, AlphaLower | AlphaUpper | RomanLower | RomanUpper => 13, }; let chars_num = chars.clone(); let len_num = 1 + chars_num .clone() .take(max_len - 1) .take_while(|c| match numbering { Decimal => c.is_ascii_digit(), AlphaLower => c.is_ascii_lowercase(), AlphaUpper => c.is_ascii_uppercase(), RomanLower => is_roman_lower_digit(*c), RomanUpper => is_roman_upper_digit(*c), }) .count(); let post_num = chars.nth(len_num - 1)?; let style = if start_paren { if post_num == ')' { ParenParen } else { return None; } } else if post_num == ')' { Paren } else if post_num == '.' { Period } else { return None; }; let len_style = usize::from(start_paren) + 1; let chars_num = std::iter::once(first).chain(chars_num.take(len_num - 1)); let numbering = if matches!(numbering, AlphaLower) && chars_num.clone().all(is_roman_lower_digit) { RomanLower } else if matches!(numbering, AlphaUpper) && chars_num.clone().all(is_roman_upper_digit) { RomanUpper } else { numbering }; if, char::is_whitespace) { Some((numbering, style, len_num + len_style)) } else { None } } } impl Kind { /// Determine if a line continues the block. fn continues(&mut self, line: &str) -> bool { let IdentifiedBlock { kind: next, .. } = IdentifiedBlock::new(line); match self { Self::Atom(..) | Self::Fenced { has_closing_fence: true, .. } => false, Self::Blockquote => matches!(next, Self::Blockquote | Self::Paragraph), Self::Heading { level } => { matches!(next, Self::Paragraph) || matches!(next, Self::Heading { level: l } if l == *level ) } Self::Paragraph | Self::Table { caption: true } => { !matches!(next, Self::Atom(Blankline)) } Self::ListItem { indent, last_blankline, .. } => { let spaces = line.chars().take_while(|c| c.is_whitespace()).count(); let para = !*last_blankline && matches!(next, Self::Paragraph); let blankline = matches!(next, Self::Atom(Blankline)); *last_blankline = blankline; blankline || spaces > *indent || para } Self::Definition { indent, footnote } => { if *footnote { let spaces = line.chars().take_while(|c| c.is_whitespace()).count(); matches!(next, Self::Atom(Blankline)) || spaces > *indent } else { line.starts_with(' ') && !matches!(next, Self::Atom(Blankline)) } } Self::Fenced { fence_length, kind, has_closing_fence, .. } => { if let Kind::Fenced { kind: k, fence_length: l, has_spec: false, .. } = next { *has_closing_fence = k == *kind && (l == *fence_length || (matches!(k, FenceKind::Div) && l > *fence_length)); } true } Self::Table { caption } => { matches!(next, Self::Table { .. } | Self::Atom(Blankline)) || { if line.trim().starts_with("^ ") { *caption = true; true } else { false } } } } } fn block(&self, top_level: bool) -> Block { match self { Self::Atom(a) => Block::Atom(*a), Self::Paragraph => Block::Leaf(Paragraph), Self::Heading { .. } => Block::Leaf(Heading { has_section: top_level, }), Self::Fenced { kind: FenceKind::CodeBlock(..), .. } => Block::Leaf(CodeBlock), Self::Fenced { kind: FenceKind::Div, .. } => Block::Container(Div), Self::Definition { footnote: false, .. } => Block::Leaf(LinkDefinition), Self::Definition { footnote: true, .. } => Block::Container(Footnote), Self::Blockquote => Block::Container(Blockquote), Self::ListItem { ty, .. } => Block::Container(ListItem(*ty)), Self::Table { .. } => Block::Container(Table), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Block { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Block::Atom(a) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(a, f), Block::Leaf(e) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(e, f), Block::Container(c) => std::fmt::Debug::fmt(c, f), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Atom { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "Inline") } } /// Similar to `std::str::split('\n')` but newline is included and spans are used instead of `str`. fn lines(src: &str) -> impl Iterator + '_ { let mut chars = src.chars(); std::iter::from_fn(move || { if chars.as_str().is_empty() { None } else { let start = src.len() - chars.as_str().len(); chars.find(|c| *c == '\n'); let end = src.len() - chars.as_str().len(); if start == end { None } else { Some(Span::new(start, end)) } } }) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::tree::EventKind::*; use crate::Alignment; use crate::OrderedListNumbering::*; use crate::OrderedListStyle::*; use super::Atom::*; use super::Container::*; use super::FenceKind; use super::Kind; use super::Leaf::*; use super::ListType::*; use super::Node::*; macro_rules! test_parse { ($src:expr $(,$($event:expr),* $(,)?)?) => { let t = super::TreeParser::new($src).parse(); let actual =|ev| (ev.kind, ev.span.of($src))).collect::>(); let expected = &[$($($event),*,)?]; assert_eq!( actual, expected, concat!( "\n", "\x1b[0;1m====================== INPUT =========================\x1b[0m\n", "\x1b[2m{}", "\x1b[0;1m================ ACTUAL vs EXPECTED ==================\x1b[0m\n", "{}", "\x1b[0;1m======================================================\x1b[0m\n", ), $src, { let a = actual.iter().map(|n| format!("{:?}", n)).collect::>(); let b = expected.iter().map(|n| format!("{:?}", n)).collect::>(); let max = a.len().max(b.len()); let a_width = a.iter().map(|a| a.len()).max().unwrap_or(0); a.iter() .map(AsRef::as_ref) .chain(std::iter::repeat("")) .zip(b.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).chain(std::iter::repeat(""))) .take(max) .map(|(a, b)| format!( "\x1b[{}m{:a_width$}\x1b[0m {}= \x1b[{}m{}\x1b[0m\n", if a == b { "2" } else { "31" }, a, if a == b { '=' } else { '!' }, if a == b { "2" } else { "32" }, b, a_width = a_width, ) ) .collect::() }, ); }; } #[test] fn parse_para_oneline() { test_parse!( "para\n", (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_para_multiline() { test_parse!( "para0\npara1\n", (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para0\n"), (Inline, "para1"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_heading() { test_parse!( concat!( "# a\n", "## b\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "##"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "##"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), ); } #[test] fn parse_heading_empty_first_line() { test_parse!( concat!( "#\n", "heading\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "heading"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), ); } #[test] fn parse_heading_multi() { test_parse!( concat!( "# 2\n", "\n", " # 8\n", " 12\n", "15\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "2"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "8\n"), (Inline, "12\n"), (Inline, "15"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), ); } #[test] fn parse_heading_multi_repeat() { test_parse!( concat!( "# a\n", "# b\n", "c\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "a\n"), (Inline, "b\n"), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), ); } #[test] fn parse_section() { test_parse!( concat!( "# a\n", "\n", "## aa\n", "\n", "#### aaaa\n", "\n", "## ab\n", "\n", "### aba\n", "\n", "# b\n", ), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "##"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Inline, "aa"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "####"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "####"), (Inline, "aaaa"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "####"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "####"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "##"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "##"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Inline, "ab"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "##"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "###"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "###"), (Inline, "aba"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "###"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "###"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "##"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Container(Section)), "#"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: true })), "#"), (Exit(Container(Section)), "#"), ); } #[test] fn parse_blockquote() { test_parse!( "> a\n", (Enter(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), ); test_parse!( "> a\nb\nc\n", (Enter(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a\n"), (Inline, "b\n"), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), ); test_parse!( concat!( "> a\n", ">\n", "> ## hl\n", ">\n", "> para\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Heading { has_section: false })), "##"), (Inline, "hl"), (Exit(Leaf(Heading { has_section: false })), "##"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), ); } #[test] fn parse_blockquote_empty() { test_parse!( "> \n", (Enter(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), ); test_parse!( ">", (Enter(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), (Atom(Blankline), ""), (Exit(Container(Blockquote)), ">"), ); } #[test] fn parse_code_block() { test_parse!( concat!("```\n", "l0\n"), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), "",), (Inline, "l0\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), "",), ); test_parse!( concat!( "```\n", "l0\n", "```\n", "\n", "para\n", // ), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Inline, "l0\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); test_parse!( concat!( "```` lang\n", "l0\n", "```\n", " l1\n", "````", // ), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), "lang"), (Inline, "l0\n"), (Inline, "```\n"), (Inline, " l1\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), "lang"), ); test_parse!( concat!( "```\n", // "a\n", // "```\n", // "```\n", // "bbb\n", // "```\n", // ), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Inline, "a\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Inline, "bbb\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), ); test_parse!( concat!( "~~~\n", "code\n", " block\n", "~~~\n", // ), (Enter(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), (Inline, "code\n"), (Inline, " block\n"), (Exit(Leaf(CodeBlock)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_link_definition() { test_parse!( "[tag]: url\n", (Enter(Leaf(LinkDefinition)), "tag"), (Inline, "url"), (Exit(Leaf(LinkDefinition)), "tag"), ); } #[test] fn parse_footnote() { test_parse!( "[^tag]: description\n", (Enter(Container(Footnote)), "tag"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "description"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Footnote)), "tag"), ); } #[test] fn parse_footnote_post() { test_parse!( concat!( "[^a]\n", "\n", "[^a]: note\n", "\n", "para\n", // ), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "[^a]"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Container(Footnote)), "a"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "note"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(Footnote)), "a"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_attr() { test_parse!( "{.some_class}\npara\n", (Atom(Attributes), "{.some_class}\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_single_item() { test_parse!( "- abc", ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "abc"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true })), "-" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_tight() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // "- b\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_loose() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // "- b\n", // "\n", // "- c\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: false, })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: false, })), "-" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_tight_nest() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // "\n", // " + aa\n", // " + ab\n", // "\n", // "- b\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true, })), "+", ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "aa"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "ab"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true, })), "+", ), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_nest() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // " \n", // " + b\n", // " \n", // " * c\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true, })), "+", ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'*'), tight: true, })), "*", ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'*')))), "*"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'*')))), "*"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'*'), tight: true, })), "*", ), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true, })), "+", ), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true, })), "-" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_post() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // "\n", // " * b\n", // "\n", // "cd\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(45), tight: true })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(45)))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(42), tight: true })), "*" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(42)))), "*"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(42)))), "*"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(42), tight: true })), "*" ), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(45)))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(45), tight: true })), "-" ), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "cd"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_list_mixed() { test_parse!( concat!( "- a\n", // "+ b\n", // "+ c\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true })), "-" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'-')))), "-"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'-'), tight: true })), "-" ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true })), "+" ), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Unordered(b'+')))), "+"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Unordered(b'+'), tight: true })), "+" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_description_list() { test_parse!( concat!( ": term\n", // "\n", // " description\n", // ), ( Enter(Container(List { ty: Description, tight: false })), ":" ), (Enter(Leaf(DescriptionTerm)), ""), (Inline, "term"), (Exit(Leaf(DescriptionTerm)), ""), (Enter(Container(ListItem(Description))), ":"), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "description"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(ListItem(Description))), ":"), ( Exit(Container(List { ty: Description, tight: false })), ":" ), ); } #[test] fn parse_table() { test_parse!( concat!( "|a|b|c|\n", // "|-|-|-|\n", // "|1|2|3|\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: true })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "b"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "c"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: true })), "|"), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "1"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "2"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "3"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), "") ); } #[test] fn parse_table_escaped() { test_parse!( "|a\\|\n", (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "|a\\|"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_table_post() { test_parse!( "|a|\npara", (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_table_align() { test_parse!( concat!( "|:---|:----:|----:|\n", "|left|center|right|\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Left))), "|"), (Inline, "left"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Left))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Center))), "|"), (Inline, "center"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Center))), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Right))), "|"), (Inline, "right"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Right))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), "") ); } #[test] fn parse_table_caption() { test_parse!( "|a|\n^ caption", (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(Caption)), ""), (Inline, "caption"), (Exit(Leaf(Caption)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_table_caption_multiline() { test_parse!( concat!( "|a|\n", // "\n", // "^ caption\n", // "continued\n", // "\n", // "para\n", // ), (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(Caption)), ""), (Inline, "caption\n"), (Inline, "continued"), (Exit(Leaf(Caption)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), ""), (Atom(Blankline), "\n"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "para"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_table_caption_empty() { test_parse!( "|a|\n^ ", (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Enter(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Inline, "a"), (Exit(Leaf(TableCell(Alignment::Unspecified))), "|"), (Exit(Container(TableRow { head: false })), "|"), (Exit(Container(Table)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "^"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), ); } #[test] fn parse_table_sep_row_only() { test_parse!( "|-|-|", (Enter(Container(Table)), ""), (Exit(Container(Table)), "") ); } #[test] fn parse_div() { test_parse!( concat!("::: cls\n", "abc\n", ":::\n",), (Enter(Container(Div)), "cls"), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "abc"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Div)), "cls"), ); } #[test] fn parse_div_no_class() { test_parse!( concat!(":::\n", "abc\n", ":::\n",), (Enter(Container(Div)), ""), (Enter(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Inline, "abc"), (Exit(Leaf(Paragraph)), ""), (Exit(Container(Div)), ""), ); } macro_rules! test_block { ($src:expr, $kind:expr, $str:expr, $len:expr $(,)?) => { let lines = super::lines($src).map(|sp| sp.of($src)); let mb = super::MeteredBlock::new(lines).unwrap(); assert_eq!( (mb.kind, mb.span.of($src), mb.line_count), ($kind, $str, $len), "\n\n{}\n\n", $src ); }; } #[test] fn block_blankline() { test_block!("\n", Kind::Atom(Blankline), "\n", 1); test_block!(" \n", Kind::Atom(Blankline), "\n", 1); } #[test] fn block_multiline() { test_block!( "# heading\n spanning two lines\n", Kind::Heading { level: 1 }, "#", 2 ); } #[test] fn block_blockquote() { test_block!( concat!( "> a\n", // ">\n", // " > b\n", // ">\n", // "> c\n", // ), Kind::Blockquote, ">", 5, ); } #[test] fn block_thematic_break() { test_block!("---\n", Kind::Atom(ThematicBreak), "---", 1); test_block!( concat!( " -*- -*-\n", "\n", "para", // ), Kind::Atom(ThematicBreak), "-*- -*-", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_code_block() { test_block!( concat!( "```` lang\n", "l0\n", "```\n", " l1\n", "````", // ), Kind::Fenced { indent: 0, kind: FenceKind::CodeBlock(b'`'), fence_length: 4, has_spec: true, has_closing_fence: true, }, "lang", 5, ); test_block!( concat!( "```\n", // "a\n", // "```\n", // "```\n", // "bbb\n", // "```\n", // ), Kind::Fenced { indent: 0, kind: FenceKind::CodeBlock(b'`'), fence_length: 3, has_spec: false, has_closing_fence: true, }, "", 3, ); test_block!( concat!( "``` no space in lang specifier\n", "l0\n", "```\n", // ), Kind::Paragraph, "", 3, ); } #[test] fn block_link_definition() { test_block!( "[tag]: url\n", Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: false }, "tag", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_link_definition_multiline() { test_block!( concat!( "[tag]: uuu\n", " rl\n", // ), Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: false }, "tag", 2, ); test_block!( concat!( "[tag]: url\n", "para\n", // ), Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: false }, "tag", 1, ); } #[test] fn block_footnote_empty() { test_block!( "[^tag]:\n", Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: true }, "tag", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_footnote_single() { test_block!( "[^tag]: a\n", Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: true }, "tag", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_footnote_multiline() { test_block!( concat!( "[^tag]: a\n", " b\n", // ), Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: true }, "tag", 2, ); } #[test] fn block_footnote_multiline_post() { test_block!( concat!( "[^tag]: a\n", " b\n", "\n", "para\n", // ), Kind::Definition { indent: 0, footnote: true }, "tag", 3, ); } #[test] fn block_list_bullet() { test_block!( "- abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Unordered(b'-'), last_blankline: false, }, "-", 1 ); test_block!( "+ abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Unordered(b'+'), last_blankline: false, }, "+", 1 ); test_block!( "* abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Unordered(b'*'), last_blankline: false, }, "*", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_list_task() { test_block!( "- [ ] abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Task, last_blankline: false, }, "- [ ]", 1 ); test_block!( "+ [x] abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Task, last_blankline: false, }, "+ [x]", 1 ); test_block!( "* [X] abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Task, last_blankline: false, }, "* [X]", 1 ); } #[test] fn block_list_ordered() { test_block!( "123. abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(Decimal, Period), last_blankline: false, }, "123.", 1 ); test_block!( "i. abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(RomanLower, Period), last_blankline: false, }, "i.", 1 ); test_block!( "I. abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(RomanUpper, Period), last_blankline: false, }, "I.", 1 ); test_block!( "IJ. abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(AlphaUpper, Period), last_blankline: false, }, "IJ.", 1 ); test_block!( "(a) abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(AlphaLower, ParenParen), last_blankline: false, }, "(a)", 1 ); test_block!( "a) abc\n", Kind::ListItem { indent: 0, ty: Ordered(AlphaLower, Paren), last_blankline: false, }, "a)", 1 ); } }