Inline{.a} attributes{#b} attached{c=d} to{.e} words{#f} probably{g=h} only{i=j} contain{.m} a{#n} single{o=pqrstuv} attribute{.wxyz} in{#å-ä-ö} the{абв=где} vast{.ёжз} majority{#ийк} of{мно=прс} cases{.туф}. However{.they #could potentially=contain .any #number of="attributes," .also #spanning multiple="lines," .even #the values="may span multiple lines like this, or even this"}. Attributes{.may}{#also}{be=concatenated}{.like}{#this}. [Attributes]{.abc} *may also*{ghi=jkl} _be attached to containers_{mno=pqr}, {=they will most likely also contain a single attribute=}{.stu}. [{^Containers [_may *also*{.first}_{#second} be]{.third}^}{.fourth} nested]{#fifth} Attribute{values="can span any number of lines like a lot of lineee e ee e e e e s" %same with comments they can be lo o o o o ng%} Attribute{values="can span any number of lines like a lot of lineee e ee e e e e s" %even though they are long they could _*turn*_ out to not be "attributes" at all in the end }