
424 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-10-06 12:13:43 -04:00
use etagere::{size2, Allocation};
use fontdue::{
layout::{GlyphRasterConfig, Layout},
use std::{collections::HashSet, iter, mem::size_of, num::NonZeroU32, slice};
use wgpu::{
Buffer, BufferDescriptor, BufferUsages, Device, Extent3d, ImageCopyTexture, ImageDataLayout,
IndexFormat, Origin3d, Queue, RenderPass, TextureAspect, COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT,
use crate::{
GlyphDetails, GlyphToRender, GpuCache, HasColor, Params, PrepareError, RenderError, Resolution,
TextAtlas, TextOverflow,
/// A text renderer that uses cached glyphs to render text into an existing render pass.
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pub struct TextRenderer {
vertex_buffer: Buffer,
vertex_buffer_size: u64,
index_buffer: Buffer,
index_buffer_size: u64,
vertices_to_render: u32,
glyphs_in_use: HashSet<GlyphRasterConfig>,
screen_resolution: Resolution,
impl TextRenderer {
/// Creates a new `TextRenderer`.
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pub fn new(device: &Device, _queue: &Queue) -> Self {
let vertex_buffer_size = next_copy_buffer_size(4096);
let vertex_buffer = device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor {
label: Some("glyphon vertices"),
size: vertex_buffer_size,
usage: BufferUsages::VERTEX | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
mapped_at_creation: false,
let index_buffer_size = next_copy_buffer_size(4096);
let index_buffer = device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor {
label: Some("glyphon indices"),
size: index_buffer_size,
usage: BufferUsages::INDEX | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
mapped_at_creation: false,
Self {
vertices_to_render: 0,
glyphs_in_use: HashSet::new(),
screen_resolution: Resolution {
width: 0,
height: 0,
/// Prepares all of the provided layouts for rendering.
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pub fn prepare(
&mut self,
device: &Device,
queue: &Queue,
atlas: &mut TextAtlas,
screen_resolution: Resolution,
fonts: &[Font],
layouts: &[(Layout<impl HasColor>, TextOverflow)],
) -> Result<(), PrepareError> {
self.screen_resolution = screen_resolution;
let atlas_current_resolution = { atlas.params.screen_resolution };
if screen_resolution != atlas_current_resolution {
atlas.params.screen_resolution = screen_resolution;
queue.write_buffer(&atlas.params_buffer, 0, unsafe {
&atlas.params as *const Params as *const u8,
struct UploadBounds {
x_min: usize,
x_max: usize,
y_min: usize,
y_max: usize,
let mut upload_bounds = None::<UploadBounds>;
for (layout, _) in layouts.iter() {
for glyph in layout.glyphs() {
let already_on_gpu = atlas.glyph_cache.contains_key(&glyph.key);
if already_on_gpu {
let font = &fonts[glyph.font_index];
let (metrics, bitmap) = font.rasterize_config(glyph.key);
let (gpu_cache, atlas_id) = if glyph.char_data.rasterize() {
// Find a position in the packer
let allocation = match try_allocate(atlas, metrics.width, metrics.height) {
Some(a) => a,
None => return Err(PrepareError::AtlasFull),
let atlas_min = allocation.rectangle.min;
let atlas_max = allocation.rectangle.max;
for row in 0..metrics.height {
let y_offset = atlas_min.y as usize;
let x_offset =
(y_offset + row) * atlas.width as usize + atlas_min.x as usize;
let bitmap_row = &bitmap[row * metrics.width..(row + 1) * metrics.width];
atlas.texture_pending[x_offset..x_offset + metrics.width]
match upload_bounds.as_mut() {
Some(ub) => {
ub.x_min = ub.x_min.min(atlas_min.x as usize);
ub.x_max = ub.x_max.max(atlas_max.x as usize);
ub.y_min = ub.y_min.min(atlas_min.y as usize);
ub.y_max = ub.y_max.max(atlas_max.y as usize);
None => {
upload_bounds = Some(UploadBounds {
x_min: atlas_min.x as usize,
x_max: atlas_max.x as usize,
y_min: atlas_min.y as usize,
y_max: atlas_max.y as usize,
GpuCache::InAtlas {
x: atlas_min.x as u16,
y: atlas_min.y as u16,
} else {
(GpuCache::SkipRasterization, None)
if !atlas.glyph_cache.contains_key(&glyph.key) {
GlyphDetails {
width: metrics.width as u16,
height: metrics.height as u16,
if let Some(ub) = upload_bounds {
ImageCopyTexture {
texture: &atlas.texture,
mip_level: 0,
origin: Origin3d {
x: ub.x_min as u32,
y: ub.y_min as u32,
z: 0,
aspect: TextureAspect::All,
&atlas.texture_pending[ub.y_min * atlas.width as usize + ub.x_min..],
ImageDataLayout {
offset: 0,
bytes_per_row: NonZeroU32::new(atlas.width),
rows_per_image: NonZeroU32::new(atlas.height),
Extent3d {
width: (ub.x_max - ub.x_min) as u32,
height: (ub.y_max - ub.y_min) as u32,
depth_or_array_layers: 1,
let mut glyph_vertices = Vec::new();
let mut glyph_indices = Vec::new();
let mut glyphs_added = 0;
for (layout, overflow) in layouts.iter() {
let settings = layout.settings();
// Note: subpixel positioning is not currently handled, so we always truncate down to
// the nearest pixel.
let bounds_min_x = settings.x.trunc() as u32;
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let bounds_max_x = settings
.map(|w| bounds_min_x + w.trunc() as u32)
2022-10-06 12:13:43 -04:00
let bounds_min_y = settings.y.trunc() as u32;
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let bounds_max_y = settings
.map(|h| bounds_min_y + h.trunc() as u32)
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for glyph in layout.glyphs() {
let mut x = glyph.x.trunc() as u32;
let mut y = glyph.y.trunc() as u32;
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let details = atlas.glyph_cache.get(&glyph.key).unwrap();
let (mut atlas_x, mut atlas_y) = match details.gpu_cache {
GpuCache::InAtlas { x, y } => (x, y),
GpuCache::SkipRasterization => continue,
let mut width = details.width as u32;
let mut height = details.height as u32;
match overflow {
TextOverflow::Overflow => {}
TextOverflow::Hide => {
// Starts beyond right edge or ends beyond left edge
let max_x = x + width;
if x > bounds_max_x || max_x < bounds_min_x {
// Starts beyond bottom edge or ends beyond top edge
let max_y = y + height;
if y > bounds_max_y || max_y < bounds_min_y {
// Clip left ege
if x < bounds_min_x {
let right_shift = bounds_min_x - x;
x = bounds_min_x;
width = max_x - bounds_min_x;
atlas_x += right_shift as u16;
// Clip right edge
if x + width > bounds_max_x {
width = bounds_max_x - x;
// Clip top edge
if y < bounds_min_y {
let bottom_shift = bounds_min_y - y;
y = bounds_min_y;
height = max_y - bounds_min_y;
atlas_y += bottom_shift as u16;
// Clip bottom edge
if y + height > bounds_max_y {
height = bounds_max_y - y;
let color = glyph.user_data.color();
iter::repeat(GlyphToRender {
pos: [x, y],
dim: [width as u16, height as u16],
uv: [atlas_x, atlas_y],
color: [color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a],
let start = 4 * glyphs_added as u32;
glyph_indices.extend([start, start + 1, start + 2, start, start + 2, start + 3]);
glyphs_added += 1;
const VERTICES_PER_GLYPH: u32 = 6;
self.vertices_to_render = glyphs_added as u32 * VERTICES_PER_GLYPH;
let will_render = glyphs_added > 0;
if !will_render {
return Ok(());
let vertices = glyph_vertices.as_slice();
let vertices_raw = unsafe {
vertices as *const _ as *const u8,
size_of::<GlyphToRender>() * vertices.len(),
if self.vertex_buffer_size >= vertices_raw.len() as u64 {
queue.write_buffer(&self.vertex_buffer, 0, vertices_raw);
} else {
let (buffer, buffer_size) = create_oversized_buffer(
Some("glyphon vertices"),
BufferUsages::VERTEX | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
self.vertex_buffer = buffer;
self.vertex_buffer_size = buffer_size;
let indices = glyph_indices.as_slice();
let indices_raw = unsafe {
indices as *const _ as *const u8,
size_of::<u32>() * indices.len(),
if self.index_buffer_size >= indices_raw.len() as u64 {
queue.write_buffer(&self.index_buffer, 0, indices_raw);
} else {
let (buffer, buffer_size) = create_oversized_buffer(
Some("glyphon indices"),
BufferUsages::INDEX | BufferUsages::COPY_DST,
self.index_buffer = buffer;
self.index_buffer_size = buffer_size;
/// Renders all layouts that were previously provided to `prepare`.
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pub fn render<'pass>(
&'pass mut self,
atlas: &'pass TextAtlas,
pass: &mut RenderPass<'pass>,
) -> Result<(), RenderError> {
if self.vertices_to_render == 0 {
return Ok(());
// Validate that glyphs haven't been evicted from cache since `prepare`
for glyph in self.glyphs_in_use.iter() {
if !atlas.glyph_cache.contains_key(glyph) {
return Err(RenderError::RemovedFromAtlas);
// Validate that screen resolution hasn't changed since `prepare`
if self.screen_resolution != atlas.params.screen_resolution {
return Err(RenderError::ScreenResolutionChanged);
pass.set_bind_group(0, &atlas.bind_group, &[]);
pass.set_vertex_buffer(0, self.vertex_buffer.slice(..));
pass.set_index_buffer(self.index_buffer.slice(..), IndexFormat::Uint32);
pass.draw_indexed(0..self.vertices_to_render, 0, 0..1);
fn try_allocate(atlas: &mut TextAtlas, width: usize, height: usize) -> Option<Allocation> {
let size = size2(width as i32, height as i32);
loop {
let allocation = atlas.packer.allocate(size);
if allocation.is_some() {
return allocation;
// Try to free least recently used allocation
let (key, value) = atlas.glyph_cache.pop()?;
.deallocate(value.atlas_id.expect("cache corrupt"));
fn next_copy_buffer_size(size: u64) -> u64 {
let align_mask = COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - 1;
((size.next_power_of_two() + align_mask) & !align_mask).max(COPY_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT)
fn create_oversized_buffer(
device: &Device,
label: Option<&str>,
contents: &[u8],
usage: BufferUsages,
) -> (Buffer, u64) {
let size = next_copy_buffer_size(contents.len() as u64);
let buffer = device.create_buffer(&BufferDescriptor {
mapped_at_creation: true,
(buffer, size)